Call for artists to participate in new digital festival

A brand-new event will be launched at the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown this year – the Creativate Digital Arts Festival, presented by Standard Bank. It will run for the first four days of the Festival, from 28 June to 1 July 2018.

We are calling on artists working on projects that play in the space where technology and creativity converge to join us and present their work in one of the following categories:

  • Performance – Theatre, dance, music or cross-disciplinary work that has a strong reliance on or usage of technology in its execution, or that explores themes around virtual/augmented reality, social media and other technologies on either the creation or experience of art.
  • Exhibition – A static exhibition that makes use of technology – either in the production of the artwork or in the manner in which the work is exhibited/presented.
  • Workshop – A hands-on exploration opportunity for artists, learners or the general public to engage with your art and to explore how technology is used in the creative process.
  • Lecture – A presentation in which, using examples and case studies, you explore one or other aspect of the technological and arts landscape, creativity and the intersection between them.

We’re looking for fun, experimental, vibrant, cutting-edge presentations. From fully formed, beautiful ideas to raw, untested and inspirational concepts and works-in-progress. We want to explore the realms and intersections of theatre, dance, visual art film, music, gaming, hacking, coding, design, robotics, virtual reality, crowdsourced inspiration, artificial intelligence and all the spaces and crevices in between.

What we can offer

  • Depending on the project category being proposed, we would consider a nominal production or presentation fee or honorarium
  • Travel to Grahamstown and at least one night’s accommodation during the National Arts Festival
  • A free pass to all Creativate events and the Creativate Artists Lounge so you can network, share your inspiration and inspire others

What we need from you

We want you to contact us and tell us about your project. We don’t want you to send us more than two pages, plus links to any photographs or videos that support your case. In your proposal you need to include:

  • An outline of your concept or proposal (inspire and excite us!)
  • An indication of which category(ies) your proposal falls into
  • An indication of what fee you would ask to present your work/lecture/workshop
  • A breakdown of who would need to travel to Grahamstown to stage the work so we can establish what travel and accommodation budget provision we would need to make.


Please email all your ideas to by no later than Friday 23 March 2018.