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How to webinar

How to webinar

How to…watch webinars and workshops

You will need to either buy a ticket or register for all webinars and workshops on the Curated Programme.

Some of the webinars and workshops are free, but you will still need to register.

We will be using Zoom for all our webinars and workshops. If you’ve never used Zoom before, you can go here to download and install the software – it is free to use. If you don’t download the software ahead of time, you will be prompted to do so when you open the link to join the webinar.

Most webinars and workshops will be recorded and may be watched after the live streamed event.

Webinar etiquette

You can enter the webinar 10 minutes before the start. You will be able to see and hear the panellists, but they won’t be able to see or hear you. If you have questions or comments, Q&A button at the bottom of your screen to ask questions or comment.

Participating in workshops

Workshops have a limited capacity and are interactive – that means that all participants can be seen and heard. You will need a device that has a camera and microphone. Once you are in the workshop, your host will explain how to use the Zoom controls for that particular session.
You will receive a reminder  of the webinar or workshop you have booked one hour before the live event is due to start – you can use the link on the reminder email to join the event.
Most webinars and workshops will be recorded and may be watched after the live streamed event.