
Zodwa Tutani

This interdisciplinary live performance is a reckoning with history and the things unsaid/unnamed. The three-part performance piece interrogates the relevance of collective memory as a tool for the undressing and re-dressing of communal ‘wounds’ that exist in the afterlife of colonial rule and the violence of the apartheid era. Through storytelling in the form of music, poetry, movement and presence, the performance utilises the voices of women in the retelling of history to address the silences that perpetuate division/exclusion/erasure within the communities of Makhanda. In this retelling, the artists invoke a strategy of mothering and care with the use of the various aspects of Intsomi, acknowledging the weight of the residue of colonial trauma still present in the place today.

The three narratives weave into each other in fluid movement, negotiating themes of healing/cleansing, as well as the re-imagining of self in post-colonial times, thinking through the often ambiguous meaning/s of freedom. What would it mean to be able to listen to the silences, the erased and the ones who carry the heavy load of history while raising another generation? The performance ‘wonders out loud’ on the possibilities of new ways of being within a space of oppression and restriction.

Genre: Performance

Format: Interdisciplinary

Cost: Free but booking is essential

Duration: 45mins

Language: English

Ages: All ages

Venue: On the promenade of the Monument grounds

Note: Audiences are advised to dress appropriately and wear sensible shoes

10 July 16h30 – 17h15


Curator, Zodwa Skeyi-Tutani

Artists: Dr Nompucuko Zakaza, Viwe Madinda, Milisa Gantsho, Khanya Ngcuka, Noluvuyo ‘NineCoyote’ Magagula, Siphosethu Balakisi, Ashton May, Akhona ‘Bhodl’ingqaka’ Mafani


Zodwa Skeyi-Tutani is a curator and artist based in Makhanda and inspired by the Eastern Cape. She has curated Margins (2017) at Makhanda Arts Festival, the Department of Small Business Development’s Johannesburg Art Fair Exhibition (2017) in Sandton, Zundiqondisise Reclaiming Our Voices (2018) with the Steve Biko Centre in Ginsberg, and The Mute Always Speaks – A Performative Response (2018) at Rhodes University Afems Conference. She is also co-author and illustrator of one bilingual children’s book The Princess Journey (2006). She completed her NDiP in Fine Arts at Nelson Mandela University, and then her BTech in Fine Arts at Walter Sisulu University. She is a Rhodes University MFA graduate in Curatorial Studies, has completed a Masters Degree in Creative Writing (to graduate in 2021) at Rhodes University School of Languages and in now studying towards PHD in Fine Arts (Curatorial Studies) at the University of Witwatersrand. She is currently a Part-Time Lecturer at the University of Fort Hare teaching Museum Studies.