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Short.Sharp.Stories authors on Caine shortlist

Published on 11 May 2016

[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][NEWS] The authors of two stories in the Short.Sharp.Stories anthology, Incredible Journey: Stories That Move You, have been shortlisted for the Caine Prize for African Writing.

Lidudumalingani and Bongani Kona, two of the five candidates on the shortlist, had their nominated stories published in Incredible Journey.

Short.Sharp.Stories is a literary initiative sponsored by the National Arts Festival. Incredible Journey is the project’s third anthology.

The Caine Prize for African Writing is a registered charity which aims to bring African writing to a wider audience using its annual literary award.

Short biographies of the authors have been posted on the Caine Prize website:

LididumalinganiLidudumalingani (South Africa) for ‘Memories we Lost’  published in Incredible Journey: Stories That Move You (Burnet Media, South Africa, 2015). Lidudumalingani is a writer, filmmaker and photographer. He was born in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa, in a village called Zikhovane. Lidudumalingani has published short stories, non-fiction and criticism in various publications. His films have been screened at various film festivals. Read Lidudumalingani’s story here
Bongani Kona (Zimbabwe) for ‘At your Requiem’ published in Incredible Journey: Stories That Move You (Burnet Media, South Africa, 2015). Bongani Kona is a freelance writer and contributing editor ofChimurenga. His writing has appeared in Mail & Guardian, Rolling Stone (South Africa), Sunday Times and other publications and websites. He is also enrolled as a Masters student in the Creative Writing department at the University of Cape Town. Read Bongani Kona’s story here

Crime fiction author Joanne Hichens edited the 2015 anthology. ‘I am thrilled for both Lidudumalingani and Bongani,’ Hichens said. ‘I am also very pleased for the Short.Sharp project. It’s a great recognition for all that we do and stand for – to provide a publishing platform for excellent South African fiction.’

Last month, Hichens won the Edited Fiction Volume Award at the inaugural National Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIHSS) Book, Creative and Digital Awards for her editing work on Adults Only: Stories of Love, Lust, Sex and Sexuality, the second of the Short.Sharp.Stories annual anthologies.

About the Short.Sharp.Stories Award

The Short Sharp Stories Award for South African short-story fiction is made each year by the National Arts Festival. An anthology of selected stories is published annually and the theme set for writers differs from year to year.

The winning stories, selected from the stories to be published, by a panel of independent judges, are announced at an annual launch event at the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown.

It is the aim of this award to encourage, support, and showcase established and emerging South African writing talent.

Short.Sharp.Stories has published crime fiction (Bloody Satisfied), sexy stories (Adults Only), and incredible journeys (Incredible Journey). The theme for 2016 is “Die Laughing”, a collection of stories to make readers laugh, smile or simply nod in good-humoured appreciation. [/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]