White 4 Black

Language | isiXhosa

Written by | Mongiwekhaya

Translated by | Tumeka Matintela

Performed by | Khanyisile Ngwabe

Ulwimi | isiXhosa

ubhalwe ngu | Mongiwekhaya

Umguquleli | Tumeka Matintela

Umdlali | Khanyisile Ngwabe

White 4 Black 

Originally written in English by Mongiwekhaya and translated into Jozified IsiXhosa by Tumeka Matintela. The language as it is used is an expression of the character’s need to show that she is still black while also attempting to appear cool and sufficiently Anglicised so as not to be seen as uncivilised.
Mshoza, based on the late Kwaito star and proud skin-lightening advocate of the same name, will not let anyone tell her that something is amiss with her obsession with bleaching her dark skin. When responding to the idea that she possibly hates her blackness she says “I’m freaking midnight! I just wanna be light-skinned. I don’t wanna change the inner me, I’m not white. I’m still black, my man is black, I like black, I’m for black. I’m white for black. I’m still me. It’s skin lightening. Not whitening.” She presents the bleaching process as very desirable and classy and  refers to the concoction of chemicals used in the process as the “muthi of muthis” (The herb of herbs). She sees the lightening as a much needed enhancement, without which her value and confidence diminishes significantly. She will not allow anyone, not even a caring lover, to stand between her and the happiness that comes with being a little less darker than she was.

Umbala welovane 

Ekuqaleni ibibhalwe ngesiNgesi yaze yaguqulelwa kwisiXhosa esingagqibelelekanga nguTumeka Matintela. Olulwimi njengoba lusetyenzisiwe, luveza izidingo zomdlali ekuboniseni intoyokuba usentsundu. Into yokuzama ukubonakala njengamntu lo opholileyo kwaye ozinononge waze wabuyelelana namangesi ngendlela eyaneleyo mayingabonwa nje ngento engaphucukanga.
uMshoza ngokususela kwingcaphephe yeKwaito ekwaneli gama, ebunebhongo ngokwenza ulusu mhlophe, akawukuvuma kuthwe kukhona okungalunganga kuye kuba ethanda isikhumba esimhlophe. Ephendula abathi akabuthandi ubumnyama uthi, “ndifuna nje ulusu olukhanyayo, andijiki ubumna, andikhomhlophe ndisemnyama, indoda yam imnyama, ndiyawuthanda umbala omnyama, ndimele ubumnyana, ndimhlophele ubumnyama, kukukhanyisa nje ulusu hayi ukuzenza mhlophe.” Uthi ukujika ulusu lubemhlophe kuyanqweneleka kakhulu, kuphucukile. Ze athi le ngqoqelela yamacheza iye isetyenziwe kulenqobu yokhanyisa ulusu yimithi yemithi. Ukubona ukukhanyisa ulusu njengonto efanelekileyo eyenza uzingce, kwaye ayisusi ixabiso lakhe, yenza aqiniseke ngesiqu sakhe. Ngoko ke akasayi kuvumela nabani na, noyena mntu omthandayo ukuba amnqande, kulonwabo alifumanayo ekuzikhanyiseni, atsho angabi mnyama njengakuqala.

This is a project of the Market Theatre Laboratory