The National Arts Festival with funding
from the Presidential Economic Stimulus Package
administered by the National Arts Council
Hope Circuit: ground for resilience.
“psychology for 120 years believed that the past plus the present determined the future. And by undoing memory and perception we get rosier futures. That has been a colossal failure. We’ve become very interested in both the psychology and neuroscience of how we see futures; how we envision possible scenarios and choose among them.
The most exciting development in this area is something called the “hope circuit”. It turns out there is a set of circuitry [in the brain] that turns off helplessness and panic.
So, the discovery of perceptive circuits, of human hope. … now that we can begin to identify the circuitry that subsumes hope, we may be able to stimulate it.”
Martin Seligman, ‘The Science of Resilience’ podcast
How do we actively create a future we desire?
It must be imagined, creativity has to prevail despite trying times.
During the course of the past year, the NAF has been working with artists across the county to continue their artistic research and develop and share their work. In many cases, artists worked within their communities, connecting to their networks through creating and sharing. Largely in digital format, we now launch the Hope Circuit to present these works or evidence of process for public presentation via our website. The Hope Circuit has stimulated artistic activity and hopefully reignited fading ambers.